My 2016 Goals

While I do write down my resolutions each year, they never seem to stick. My New Year resolutions are often vague inklings of things I’d ideally like to do during the year, but it’s rare that I 1) clearly outline how I will achieve them or 2) actually achieve them.

Does anyone else have this problem? I’m tired of coming up short, so this year I’m opting out of “resolutions” and in to “goals.” Instead of my generalized resolutions, I’ve created specific goals with clear, actionable items! For example one of my resolutions for last year was to “drink more water” where as this year I’m getting more specific with “drink 4 Bkr bottles of water a day.” If you’re sick of ditching your resolutions by the second week of January just like I am, check out my goals below and get inspired to create your own!



Kelsey’s 2016 Goals

  • Drink 4 Bkrs of water a day
  • Exercise realistically – do yoga at least once a week!
  • Cook more, eat out less! Bring lunches to work! I’m really wanting to learn more slow cooker recipes (like my pot roast recipe!) because it’s so awesome to come home to an already cooked meal.
  • Continue Russian lessons and be able to speak a full conversation within 6 months
  • Post on the blog 2-3 times a week
  • Reach 500 Twitter & Instagram followers by July – follow me!
  • Open up a shop in conjunction with the blog by the end of the year

What are your goals for 2016?

xoxo Blonde

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